It has become my habit to look around and appreciate sights and sound a step away. It brings out the contemplative side of my personhood that keeps on searching for anything that can catch attention. And in this world of constant change and countless angles, I could say life is a kaleidoscope of experiences of different people on almost everything that comes along the way.

I invite you to join me in my journal as I feature the colourful panorama of this modern life seen from different perspectives. Allow me to take you to see other sides… even the unexplored dimensions as I further search, dissect, scrutinize, and rediscover anything under the sun. This blog is a feast of the many fascinating things about life and what it has to offer.

Go through the pages and have a peek… enjoy the kaleidoscope, then let your mind speak!


is it worth the risk?

To risk is better said than done especially to someone who has tried… failed… and got hurt in the process. As a result, some choose to play safe rather than experience the possibility of a negative outcome for the nth time.

It really takes courage to risk, and I cannot blame those who have lost the guts in one way or the other. But I know there will come a time and opportunity again will challenge them to take a life-changing risk.

I believe that “go-for-it” attitude is not always advisable because not everything in life is worth the risk. That is why when situations call for us to step forward, try to pause and think for a while.

In every decision that we make, there will always be the two sides of the coin. We cannot avoid hurting circumstances, but if the experience can make us grow as a person, then it is worth a try.

Just think about this:


To LAUGH… is to risk appearing like a fool.
To WEEP… is to risk appearing sentimental.
To REACH OUT… is to risk involvement.
To EXPOSE FEELING… is to risk exposing your true self.

To PLACE your IDEAS and DREAMS before a crowd… is to risk rejection.

To LOVE… is to risk not being loved in return.
To LIVE… is to risk dying.
To HOPE… is to risk despair.
To TRY… is to risk failure.

But RISKS must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
Those who risk nothing do nothing and have nothing. They may avoid sufferings and sorrow but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, or love.
Chained by their certitude, they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom.
Only the one who risks is FREE.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"To LOVE… is to risk not being loved in return." what will be the risk if you are not expecting to be loved in return?