Last Sunday, my two-week holiday started and I decided not to travel like the previous holidays. I was certain to spend the entire vacation at home. I knew that boredom would get in the way so I diverted my attention on house errands that must be done.
Then, I noticed that my room needed a total clean up. It was in a clutter. So I grabbed a duster, a broom, and a mop. From the ceiling to the walls and on the floor, I tidied them all up. I did rearrange my shelves, table, cupboard, and bed. I swapped the places of my television, speakers, computer, printer, microwave, mirror, and bags. After some hours, my room was spic and span and had a new look. It really made a difference because I felt more comfortable. Then, I promised myself to do a regular general cleaning so that mess wouldn’t pile up again.
When I was throwing the tons of rubbish that I collected from my room, I felt relieved because I finally got the time to get rid of them. Maybe, I just needed a perfect time or maybe I just needed the right mood for cleaning up.
After that, I went back to my room checking every inch. I smiled. I began to realise that I should also try to clean up my personal mess so I would also feel more comfortable with myself and others around me. I sighed, “If it were only as easy as cleaning the room.”
Then introspection set in…
“For the past years, I know that I have been harbouring anger, resentments, regrets, guilt, envy, ill-feelings, and pride deep within me. They have caused a lot of mess in my personal life. Actually, the dirt has already left stains and sadly, it will take some time to remove. But, I think I should take the first step anyway until everything gets cleaned up. I know it is more than a room, but I want to feel a clutter-free heart. I want to sleep peacefully. I want to move freely. I want to laugh out loud. I want to be in my good old self again. ”
Now, the cleaning goes on…
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