It has become my habit to look around and appreciate sights and sound a step away. It brings out the contemplative side of my personhood that keeps on searching for anything that can catch attention. And in this world of constant change and countless angles, I could say life is a kaleidoscope of experiences of different people on almost everything that comes along the way.

I invite you to join me in my journal as I feature the colourful panorama of this modern life seen from different perspectives. Allow me to take you to see other sides… even the unexplored dimensions as I further search, dissect, scrutinize, and rediscover anything under the sun. This blog is a feast of the many fascinating things about life and what it has to offer.

Go through the pages and have a peek… enjoy the kaleidoscope, then let your mind speak!


living the moment

There is really nothing permanent in this world. It is but a cycle we go through as part of the life process. A dose of happiness is also equivalent to a pint of sadness. It is a cycle that continuously flow just like after the rain there is sunshine and after birth there is death. So while we are still cherishing our mere existence, we might as well enjoy and live the moment while it lasts.

There are times we are a slave of our past that we fail to appreciate the good things right in front of us.

There are times we are too preoccupied with our future that we fail to see what we already have.

In short... we should all live for today!

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