In life, we are faced with different kinds of challenges.Some are easy, some are not. Some have very slight impact on people's lives, but some have strong repercussions that often leave an indelible scar to whoever is hit even after so many years.
People deal with challenges differently. To others, they are considered barriers or obstacles. To some, they are opportunities that can test one's tolerance and endurance.But whatever it is, life can never be meaningful with out challenges.
Now, I dare you to think about these thoughts on life's challenges that I got from my handy pocketbook entitled, "Sparks of Wisdom" by C.S. Canonigo. I find them powerful words of wisdom that can inspire us to overcome life's crucial challenges.
"We cannot act as we wish, we must act as we can."
"Either I will find a way,or I will make one!"
"Every time you perform a task, try to excel your last performance, and very soon you will excel those around you!"
"If you don't try, you'll never know if you can do it!"
"The greatest glory is not never falling, but in rising in every time we fall!"
"Never mind how much you know. The important thing is what you can do with what you know."
"If life hands you a lemon, don't complain; but convert it into lemonade."
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