The other day I told my friend that my left chest was experiencing a bit of pain. He advised me to have an immediate check up as it could be a sign of a grave health condition.
Then, blah... blah... blah...
Out of nowhere, we had this argument as to where the human heart is.I claimed it was in the mid part of the body. He said it was in the left part. I was very confident...He was very certain. We even had a bet of two hundred dollars.
I searched using the net to verify my claim. It didn't take much time to gather for answers...

The human heart is nine (9) inches long x three (3) inches wide.It is located within the mediastinum, bordered laterally by the lungs, posteriorly by the backbone, and anteriorly by the sternum.
source: http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/people/web_pages/greer/biol204/heart1/heart1.html
And so where is the mediastinum?
The mediastinum lies in the midline between the two pleural cavities. It is divided into superior,anterior, middle and posterior compartments. In the superior mediastinum lie the brachiocephalic veins, the branches from the aortic arch, the trachea and esophagus. In the thin anterior mediastinum lies the thymus gland. The middle mediastinum is occupied by the heart. The posterior mediastinum is continuous with the superior mediastinum and contains the esophagus, primary bronchi and the thoracic aorta.
source: http://www.med.mun.ca/anatomyts/thorax/media.htm
I was not contented, I even asked my doctor friend for the answer since it is his area of studies. He answered, "The heart is at the left side of the chest."
And so I lost the bet.
From a connotative point of view, the heart is the center of everything... it is neither on the left nor on the right. It is the core, the center, the life.
Then, something popped into my mind... or heart?
"We cannot find something not unless we know where we are coming from..."
So, where is your heart?
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