Whenever New Year comes, I make myself busy doing chores like cleaning my room and rearranging almost anything. I like the taste of change. This makes me feel good and think of great possibilities to come. It’s like feeling refreshed to start anew.
This year not only my room needs a make over but my personal life as well. This time, I want to focus on the past instead of the usual future. I know that there are things from the past that I need to reconnect with so that I know where I am headed in the future.
This year I vow to...
For more than half a decade, I have failed to get in touch with many people who in some way have become a part of my personal circle. There are many reasons and excuses that I can enumerate, but now is not the time to rationalize for not being around. I want to know how they have been for the past years. I know that there will be a lot of good old stories to tell and new stories to update.
I can’t wait to meet them again.
I want to make amends to those people whom I have wronged, hurt and caused pain. I want to embrace them and ask for forgiveness. And for those who have scarred me, I want to come face to face with them and say thank you for whatever it was that they have done, it made me a stronger and better person. I want to patch things up to lighten the burden and let go of the unwanted baggages.
I can’t wait to smile with them.
I want to go back to the time when happiness abounds. I want to be a kid again. Of course, it is not something possible in reality, but bringing back the child in me will make me enjoy the simple blessings that I have at the moment. As I grow in years, I notice that I tend to become more critical, hard to please and discontented. I want to revive the child in me so that life won’t be that complicated.
I can't wait to have fun again.
I still want to do more for this year, but let me take it slowly.I cannot do a lot of things at one time so I will take these steps one at a time. .. I am hopeful I will get there and eventually before this year ends, I will finally move forward to a better future.
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