It has become my habit to look around and appreciate sights and sound a step away. It brings out the contemplative side of my personhood that keeps on searching for anything that can catch attention. And in this world of constant change and countless angles, I could say life is a kaleidoscope of experiences of different people on almost everything that comes along the way.

I invite you to join me in my journal as I feature the colourful panorama of this modern life seen from different perspectives. Allow me to take you to see other sides… even the unexplored dimensions as I further search, dissect, scrutinize, and rediscover anything under the sun. This blog is a feast of the many fascinating things about life and what it has to offer.

Go through the pages and have a peek… enjoy the kaleidoscope, then let your mind speak!


make it happen

It has always been a tradition that once the new year kicks off everybody is up and about making plans as to what must be accomplished for the entire year. As for me, I have never failed in listing down my goals every beginning of the year may they be small or big ones. The idea of setting goals makes me feel that I’m on the right track and prepared to hurdle the challenges in life the whole year round. This is not to brag, but I already consider myself a guru in the art of planning and setting goals, so let me help you in making yours.

First and foremost, you make sure that what you want is something realistic. Setting goals that are impossible to achieve is like chasing rainbow in the sky. It will just consume your time and effort achieving nothing in the end. An example of a realistic goal is something that you can really do like losing weight, getting better marks in school, joining a sports club, or even taking some time out with family members. It should be something within your premise that once you put your heart and mind to it, you can achieve it.

Aside from being realistic, you have to bear in mind that your goals must be clear and specific. Otherwise, at the end of the line you will be confused as to whether you have really achieved your goals or not. You don’t just say, “I want to do good in school this year.” What do you mean by doing “good”? Is it in terms of behaviour or academic performance? If it is about your academic standing, then what specific mark do you aspire? Would it just be a pass, a credit or a distinction? If you do not set standards that are specific and clear, It is most likely difficult to evaluate by the end of the year whether you made it or not.

Now that you are enlightened, you must not forget other ingredients that make goals worth pursuing. Having positive goals is one because there is a saying that what goes around comes around. If you think and do positive then it is a sure thing that positive results will come back to you. Another thing is that goals must have a time frame. If you are planning on putting on weight, then you should consider the number of months you target to get it done. This is to avoid cramming and frustration before the year ends. To top it all, bear in mind that all the goals you want to accomplish must be within your interests and capabilities. If not, all of these are doom to fail.

Goal setting is a sweat-free task, but the hardest part is making all these goals come to life. Action is vital to pursuing what we want. The question is: Are you ready to take on the challenge? Only those with chultz pa and determination get to the end of the line. You’ll get there if you think you can. So, Go for it! Make it happen.


This is Mimi said...

Tcher ped Mimi here and here i list down the points that i get from the article.

* Think of somthing realistic.
* Make it understandable.
* Make it somthing positive
* It must be what we like and able to do.
* set a goal that is easy to achieve.

Anonymous said...

thanks mimi... you got all the points correctly. i hope that this will help you not only in your summary skills but also in life. this coming june, you'll be taking your english gce o level exam so try to set your goals and go grab them. make them happen. good luck

teacher ped